Saturday, July 20, 2013

A game of horshoe.

There are people in your life who want things from you. There are people in everyone's lives who want things from them. That's just the way it is. The trick is finding the people who want things for us as well. Sounds simple enough, but it's not. We are by nature a needy species even greedy at times, but we have the ability to surpass those instincts a thousand times over with even just a drop of love and kindness. There are many people who have saved me in my life, none of them ever wanted anything for it but a better effort. Even that is probably more self imposed than anything else. Life is a tiny fragile thing and a giant all powerful volcano at the same exact time. Danger and beauty, and we survive them all with a little balance. Without the people in our lives that not only want something from us but for us, we don't stand a chance. That shit is frightening as hell. Imagine having no one when things get bad, imagine that ya'll, imagine that. The people in my world that I love, for them I want the world and everything in it, possibly, maybe a favor now and again but I'm pretty certain that is a two way street and so some balance comes into play.

I've always had a belief that if you know what someone's all about, if they show themselves to you and you can handle them warts and all, then you should be able to accept their behavior, for the most part without judgement. Bitch about things all you want but at the end of the day love them for who they are. I'm aware it's a somewhat flawed way of thinking considering all facets of my life and the contradictions this seemingly brings. I am hypocritical in where I draw my boundaries from friend to friend. For the most part though my expectations of each of these people I keep in my life are fairly clear. I expect them to be the people I saw them becoming when I made them part of my life and I expect nothing less from myself. When someone I love accomplishes something amazing, yea I won't lie I get a little bitter for a minute, but I spend a whole lifetime proud that I knew them when...

I have no shortage of crazy fucked up people in my life but all that is dwarfed for me by the potential, the future, the sparkle I see in these crazy fucked up peoples. We all need people, we all need love and I don't think it matters where a person comes from if you can see where they can go. If that doesn't trump the past then you're not looking towards the future.

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