Friday, July 2, 2010

Are you Chester Copperpot or are you a Goonie?

There is an epidemic of ignorance in this country, it could be argued that faith in your government and media is not ignorant or blind. I'm not buying what their selling. I know maybe you're asking where this is going, and I'll tell you it goes everywhere from your bedroom to your politics, your job to your families holiday dinner. We are living in a time where we should be sick of watching people point fingers like five year olds while a president who inheritted one hell of a mess from an imbesile who ran this country into the ground long before the oil rig exploded, attempts to clean up a bush-made disaster in policy, economics and morale. We keep talking but instead of watching to make sure the economy gets better and disasters like the Gulf are cleaned up we sit at our computers, or watch our news and get just upset enough to bitch, but not enough to do anything of substance about it. We don't want to tell our neighbors not to beat their wives or let their kids torture kittens because, well, its just none of our business. Then we wonder why no one stands up to politicians or big business when they can't get it together and address legitimate issues that effect the portion of the population not getting paid by big business and the government simultaneously. Hey folks, we allowed these assholes to be elected, it's my fault and your fault too, we are all to blame for regulations becoming so lax and businesses having a guy who evaluates the risk and says "Eh fuck it what are the chances..." That guy exists because we let him just like we go on letting the neighbor smack around his wife.

History is full of power struggles and poorly managed resources but as any Goonie knows, "Down here its our time,Its our time down here." and Goonies never say die, Goonies find pirate treasure after surviving booby traps set by century old pirates and a small crime family chasing them through this. Goonies survive and while their middleclass parents struggle with upper class businessmen to save the homes their kids were meant to grow up in and the way of life they worked so hard to keep, Goonies find treasure and save the Goondocks! Try and follow me this may be radical here, but lets pretend our government and big oil are the upper class businessman and we the people paying attention, are a fair split between middleclass Goonie parents and Goonie kids. The treasure is having an environment that isn't massacring all life it comes in contact with either directly or slowly and painfully. The treasure is a country once again having and believing in, an actual checks and balance system, knowing how it works and taking part in the process. The media is the booby traps and theres a few old hippies for One Eyed Willies crew, those guys have been waiting since their revolution died for someone to start paying attention again, they're gonna be thrilled if we can just get off the money trains and the couches.

My point with the Goonies analogy? For one, its a classic and two, it makes it a little easier to swallow that your letting your government steal your kids chances of having everything you wanted for them and then some. As well as bending over and taking it your silence is saying its ok, wether you feel that way or not no longer matters. I'm a Goonie, I'm not looking to save the world but how about we make an actual effort to save our country, ecologically, economically and even politically then send more aid to wartorn countries or natural disasters. We've seen how we helped our own people in Louisiana once before what makes anyone think other countries really want our half assed government issue help anyways. This is our time here in this country to start the change that can keep us from becoming the next collapsed civilization. My suggestion, get on your bikes and ride! Get a clue, check your information, read a history book and find the map in the attic, this will not end well if we forget where we come from. America is not the home of the almighty dollar, its the home of the free.

While you watch your fire works and light your own consider how much longer your watch mommy and daddy fight about who cleans up the mess before you stand up and make something happen. Actions of many are so much more brilliant than the words of one, words must be read but actions can't be ignored if done well. How much is the Gulf of mexico worth to you? I'm thinking maybe it's time we pull out the map, get on our bicycles and go hunt for the jewels to buy back our country and our environment. How many out of work ecologists, biologist, fisherman, machinists, sales reps, etc would it take to clean up this oil. Take it out of the governments hands to delegate and BP's hands to clean up and clean it up! Take your environment back in everyway, feel good about actually doing something and stop watching it get worse.Theres a Baby Ruth in it for you if you accept this mission, now lets make it happen!

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