Monday, June 21, 2010

Lezzy Fairys!

I've been paying attention lately, learning some things about the world around me and trying to put together a plan for my 27th year. It has not been easy to figure out where I want to go exactly but I seem to have stumbled upon a few good ideas. I've also stumbled upon a frightening realization that this country and perhaps this world is about to spontaneously combust. I've been exploring my dictionary again in my attempts to have a clear understanding of some of the political, turmoil happening as a result of "Big Oil". I've been listening to people with actual power to make things right, throw words around that i'm not certain they even know the meaning of. I've been watching as this country gets ready for a giant dose of reality and an even larger push out of its big boots and into the muck. There seems to be so much emphasis on unimportant factors and so little on the here and now consequences for not only actions or misactions of "Big Oil" but the continuing fumbles of the political leaders in this great country as they continue to back the people who pay them rather than their country. Parden me, Mr. Barton, AHEM, Due process? SERIOUSLY??? Was that you sitting next to Hayward on that yacht over the weekend? Just trying to get your life back were you? Well, I hate to be a kiljoy but that oil leak is not going away with prayer like Senator Adley of Louisiana is hoping. The hurricane beaten region just barely getting back on their feet after a natural disaster and your holding your greasy palms together to pray, because the regulations you never even bothered to enforce have raped the environment and its people.

Meanwhile the people of this country would rather find out which housewives of New York said what about who. We love our media as long as it is entertaining but how entertaining is it to watch old white south fight new brown Obama over things that don't directly affect us? How much fun is it to know your entire country is being led by greedy dynasties and corruption infested people who have raised ignorant snobs to eventually take over the whole operation. I certainly prefer watching "reality" tv and gossiping about how much Lindsey "spilled" on her skin or in her mouth. With out a doubt my main concerns in life should be Kate's new haircut and how often she dances with the stars with my second largest concern being how many time a week Angelina and Brad get into a fight or adopt another kid from another country while babies and children here in this country go on starving in the streets or are waiting to be adopted.

There are 11 people dead, there are entire ecosystems that will die, creatures, businesses and hope of all kind will slowly fade away. But the drilling does not stop, the solutions do not come as quickly as they should because in a country of some 300 million people most know more about which celebrities are cheating on their wives and husband than we do about our governments long standing agreement to look the other way while the "small people" get ground a little further into the dirt. Who holds lawmakers accountable for their actions? What motivates our leaders to make examples of "Big Oil" if thats who they're invested with? I don't bite the hand that feeds me, but I will stab you with a fork if you try to take my food. It's time the majority stand up and wave its butchers knife at those cheap forks and take back its food. How much is your freedom worth? How much is your vote going for these days? We talk big about patriotism and how great this country is yet we ignore it when people in power not only use it for personal gain but for the gain of private corporations that they also, just so happen to have some kind of stake in.

We are a country full of intelligent people choosing to focus on nonsense that does not affect us instead of addressing the nonsense that does. This is not the first time our government has failed to properly regulate and police big business and this is not the first disaster made by man in order to make money. This is the largest and this will inevitably become the most tragic example of laissez-faire failure in current society. The absolute disregard for consequences by all involved , from crooked OSHA inspectors to crooked politicians to the money hungry executives who weighed the risks and decided there wasn't enough time to do the job right. They wanted oil and they wanted it yesterday. Now they expect poor unemployed America to clean up their mess and apologize, to them for being upset about the whole clumsy misunderstanding?What were we born yesterday? You don't have enough faith in your own country to invest in American owned businesses and support its president, but us "small guys" who blindly beleive in our government officials, we are expected to pay a little extra in taxes the next few years and we'll be back on our feet in a jiffy?

Why should I invest in a country that does not regulate its own lawmakers? I should invest in my country because that is what gives me the power. The problem is unlike these big businesses the business that is this country has many more stockholders and if even just 200 million took an interest in what was happening in boardroom, an entire nation may stand a chance at not only surviving but prospering. The problem is getting them all to pay attention at the same time and then take action to not only stop it this time but keep it from happening again. Dr. Martin Luther King Junior said "When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind.", Now is a time to build and bind. When rich greedy people get too greedy and too arrogant, poor frustrated people must rise up and help them to become humble.

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