Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I never wanted the white picket fence with the 2.5, for me a chainlink, a couple of Harleys and a 67 Charger in the yard and maybe just one would be enough. I know a little about Harleys, and there is just something special about the 67 Charger that makes it dreamworthy for me, and a daughter, I was always sure I'd have a daughter. The dreams I had were just nice thoughts to me, I tried not to let them own me. It could still happen but I think with age these dreams have become slightly more commercial, more commonplace and less of a future I can see myself having. I want it now more than I thought I did, but I wonder if maybe those times I bobbed instead of weaved may have shifted my possibilities. People keep telling me to just go with the flow and maybe i'm working to hard to relax and go with it to actually get the hang of the whole idea. Before I go with the flow, I have to assess and reassess , weigh the options, consider changes in altitude and density, and even then i'm still slow to move with the flow. Clearly, I am not a go with the flow kind of girl. I am nonetheless a girl and somewhere in me is the urge to pass on the good parts of me to another life.

I think we all, male or female have some desire to create something beautiful to carry on our best pieces. I also think that at somepoint in our lives each of us gets to a place where this dream no longer seems completely possible and or logical. It's a bitter that hides a deep secret part of us, and for some eventually scars and stops hurting. This point can happen at any age, under any number of circumstances. I submit, that at some point, we all consider the possibility of creating a life and showing it love. Some of us visit that particular bitter but don't live there just yet and so it scabs but never heals and this scar is only owned by the healed. I like the scars I've got both inside and out because they remind me of what I've learned and where the roadmaps have already taken me. I want to go offroading in life, do it all wrong and have fun while I sink. Changes are good and it can never be too late to change who you are into someone you love instead of just like. Some of us love so hard when we love, that maybe, just maybe we stop ourselves from doing it. Feelings and love they come easy for some, for others they're locked behind carefully guarded gates for fear someone may get hurt if ever they are released. The cold hard truth, i'm not getting any younger and neither is anyone else. This 27 is going to be an interesting year.

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